The tracks report provides information about the frequency and popularity of the tracks played on your stream. Least Popular Tracks Provides an overview of the least popular tracks played during the reporting period, by disconnections per minute. The popularity of a track is calculated by determining the number of times a listener disconnected or “tuned-out” while the track was playing, averaged over the total number of minutes the song was played throughout the reporting period. Most Popular Tracks Provides an overview of the most popular tracks played during the reporting period, by connections per minute. This is calculated in the same manner as the Least Popular Tracks
report. Top Tracks by Playbacks Provides a list of the songs most frequently played during the reporting period, according to the total number of times the song was played. Top Tracks by Airtime Provides a list of the songs which received the most “air time”, or total minutes, during the reporting period. Track Broadcast Reports Provides access to your monthly broadcast reports for the past several months. These downloadable (CSV spreadsheet) reports provide information about each and every song that was played on your stream during the reporting period, along with information about how many listeners heard each song. Note that reports are generated on a monthly basis, and this section will not appear until at least one report has been generated. Each report contains two spreadsheets, either of which may be useful if you are required to make reports to a royalty/music licensing authority:
A playback report, which individually records the date, time, artist, album, title, duration,
and listener information for each and every track played during the reporting period.
A performance report, which records the aggregate playback and listener information for